Be A Part Of The Restoration
We believe that prayer is a very important part of our work. Even half way across the world, we can support our friends daily by lifting them and their needs up to the Lord. Will you consider joining us in praying for the people of South Africa?
Everything we do revolves around the generosity of our donors. Many lives have been touched and changed through the work being done in South Africa. You, too, can be a part of what God is doing there! Please consider giving to help our workers continue to spread the gospel, bring hope and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Any gift is a blessing! Monthly support is especially helpful as we can plan ahead for expenses.

Go on a trip with us and be a part of the work being done in South Africa! South Africa is a beautiful country, full of rich history and lots of culture. Come walk alongside our partners with us as they work in their communities and with their people bringing about restoration. Trips are typically 10-12 days long and consist of doing daily work in the community. The work varies from trip to trip, depending on the need and are a blessing to our partners as well as to trip-goers.